How to Land a Job in The Netherlands Finding a job as a student should not be much of a problem. There are two things you need to have before start ing a job. Fi rst is a bank account , preferably a Dutch one. Secondly, you need to have a Dutch BSN number . Many students f ind a part-t ime job in a restaurant , bar or a shop. This kind of job can be found via employment agencies ( including those students) , special ly or aimed via at onl ine advert isements, newspapers and not iceboards. You can also take a walk in the ci ty centre to ask in local shops or ask about vacancies through fr iends. Our advice is to f ind something nearby where you l ive, to avoid spending travel l ing. too much t ime Wi th a strong developed economy, the Nether lands offers many job opportuni t ies. Whether i t is working in the summer at fest ivals, picking f lowers in Aalsmeer or showing passengers the r ight terminal at Schiphol , there are endless possibi l i t ies. We wish you lots of luck in f inding a job, and hopeful ly you wi l l have fun dur ing work as wel l . After al l , a side job can br ing a nice balance to your l i fe next to studying, which is why we highly recommend you look for one that you f ind interest ing. PAGE 21

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